Class StandardDialog

All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.accessibility.Accessible, java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, javax.swing.RootPaneContainer,, javax.swing.WindowConstants
Direct Known Subclasses:
DialogCoordinate, DialogGeneral, DialogGraphics, DialogSammon

public class StandardDialog
extends javax.swing.JDialog

Standard Dialog implements a standard data entry dialog with "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons. Subclasses can override the isDataValid(), okButtonPressed(), and cancelButtonPressed() methods to perform implementation specific processing.

By default, the dialog is modal, and has a JPanel with a BorderLayout for its content pane.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JDialog
accessibleContext, rootPane, rootPaneCheckingEnabled
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component
Fields inherited from interface javax.swing.WindowConstants
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Constructor Summary
          This method is the default constructor.
StandardDialog(java.awt.Dialog parent, java.lang.String title)
          This method creates a StandardDialog with the given parent dialog and title.
StandardDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, java.lang.String title)
          This method creates a StandardDialog with the given parent frame and title.
Method Summary
 java.awt.Container getContentPane()
          This method gets the content pane for adding components.
 boolean hasUserCancelled()
          This method returns true if the User cancelled the dialog otherwise false.
protected  boolean isValidData()
          This method is used to validate the current dialog box.
 void setContentPane(java.awt.Container contentPane)
          This method sets the content pane for adding components.
 void setProjector()
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JDialog
addImpl, createRootPane, dialogInit, getAccessibleContext, getDefaultCloseOperation, getGlassPane, getJMenuBar, getLayeredPane, getRootPane, isDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated, isRootPaneCheckingEnabled, paramString, processWindowEvent, remove, setDefaultCloseOperation, setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated, setGlassPane, setJMenuBar, setLayeredPane, setLayout, setRootPane, setRootPaneCheckingEnabled, update
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Dialog
addNotify, dispose, getTitle, hide, isModal, isResizable, isUndecorated, setModal, setResizable, setTitle, setUndecorated, show
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Window
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addWindowFocusListener, addWindowListener, addWindowStateListener, applyResourceBundle, applyResourceBundle, createBufferStrategy, createBufferStrategy, finalize, getBufferStrategy, getFocusableWindowState, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusOwner, getFocusTraversalKeys, getGraphicsConfiguration, getInputContext, getListeners, getLocale, getMostRecentFocusOwner, getOwnedWindows, getOwner, getToolkit, getWarningString, getWindowFocusListeners, getWindowListeners, getWindowStateListeners, isActive, isFocusableWindow, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocused, isShowing, pack, postEvent, processEvent, processWindowFocusEvent, processWindowStateEvent, removeWindowFocusListener, removeWindowListener, removeWindowStateListener, setCursor, setFocusableWindowState, setFocusCycleRoot, setLocationRelativeTo, toBack, toFront
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container
add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getContainerListeners, getFocusTraversalPolicy, getInsets, getLayout, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversalPolicySet, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paint, paintComponents, preferredSize, print, printComponents, processContainerEvent, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, removeNotify, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFocusTraversalPolicy, setFont, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusDownCycle, validate, validateTree
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, disable, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBackground, getBounds, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusListeners, getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, getFont, getFontMetrics, getForeground, getGraphics, getHeight, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputMethodListeners, getInputMethodRequests, getKeyListeners, getLocation, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPeer, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getSize, getTreeLock, getWidth, getX, getY, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, imageUpdate, inside, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isDoubleBuffered, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isOpaque, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, prepareImage, prepareImage, printAll, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, reshape, resize, resize, setBackground, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setDropTarget, setEnabled, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setForeground, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setName, setSize, setSize, setVisible, show, size, toString, transferFocus, transferFocusUpCycle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StandardDialog()
This method is the default constructor.


public StandardDialog(java.awt.Frame parent,
                      java.lang.String title)
This method creates a StandardDialog with the given parent frame and title.

parent - The parent frame for the dialog.
title - The title to display in the dialog.


public StandardDialog(java.awt.Dialog parent,
                      java.lang.String title)
This method creates a StandardDialog with the given parent dialog and title.

parent - The parent dialog for the dialog.
title - The title to display in the dialog.
Method Detail


public void setProjector()


public java.awt.Container getContentPane()
This method gets the content pane for adding components. Components should not be added directly to the dialog.

Specified by:
getContentPane in interface javax.swing.RootPaneContainer
getContentPane in class javax.swing.JDialog
the content pane for the dialog.


public void setContentPane(java.awt.Container contentPane)
This method sets the content pane for adding components. Components should not be added directly to the dialog.

Specified by:
setContentPane in interface javax.swing.RootPaneContainer
setContentPane in class javax.swing.JDialog
contentPane - The content pane for the dialog.


public boolean hasUserCancelled()
This method returns true if the User cancelled the dialog otherwise false. The dialog is cancelled if the "Cancel" button is pressed or the "Close" window button is pressed, or the "Escape" key is pressed. In other words, if the User has caused the dialog to close by any method other than by pressing the "Ok" button, this method will return true.


protected boolean isValidData()
This method is used to validate the current dialog box. This method provides a default response of true. This method should be implemented by each dialog that extends this class.

a boolean indicating if the data is valid. true indicates that all of the fields were validated correctly and false indicates the validation failed

for more information see